Octagon: However the highlight of the day was a performance by a group of junior dancers from Honey Kalaria Dance Academy. They performed to a tune from the film Kabhi Alvidhaa Naa Kehna. It was a marvellous performance and other children from Dance 21 (a dance club for children with Downs syndrome based in Essex) joined in together with other local children. It was a wonderful performance by such young

There was also a Raffle Draw with as main prize  a DVD Recorder. Money raised from the raffle will help the groups develop more services for their members. The Raffle Prizes were donated by both UOD and CPNN. Mr Habib from CPNN was very please with the good turn out.

UOD will be developing Physio and Speech Therapy workshops next year. More Music Therapy session will  be available next year subject to funding. The group will be working with local businesses in order to secure  sponsorship towards providing services to parents. The launch of a calendar for UpsideofDowns was announced and is now available.


UpsideofDowns is planning more events in 2007 for its members. UOD would like more parents/carers to come forward and join the group.

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The First Prize Winner And Some Of The Management Team And some Children In The Group

Below The Event Was Reported In the Local Press