The National Downs Syndrome Association has over the years help the cause of those born with downs.



Text Box: Related Links

Amazing Handwriting Worksheet Maker

Disability is natural

A support group based in North London. A very good and informative site. Richard Davis is the main contact.

Lancashire downs syndrome group.

Baby Sitting

This is a new service setup by a parent who found it very difficult to get qualified babysitters .A very good initiative


Ouch! ... it's a disability thing
Go to the Ouch home page, open all day every day:

Both Informative and entertaining


Wave: Newham Children Database for those with Special Needs. Register your child and help the Local Authority develop better services for them. Contact Adeola  				Tel: 0208 586 6471

8-Point Star: No Child Left Behind

An American website where you will find an E-Book  which has got inspirational and medical information

Kids First, MDS Second!
Welcome to this new website intended to assist new parents of children with Mosaic Down Syndrome, wherever you may be in the world.
You are not on your own - we are all here to support each other through both good and bad times, achievements and struggles!

We hope you find the links useful and feel free to join the

MDS UK / MDS KIDS e-groups, where you will be able to exchange e-mails with other parents/children in your situation.
Check out the links where you can send in articles, about your child, personal stories, achievements, poetry, photo's or anything you would like on the website.



The Cinema Exhibitors’ Association offers a national concessionary card for people with a disability. The card entitles the holder to one free ticket for a person accompanying them to the cinema. Applicants should be in receipt of disability living allowance, registered blind, or hold a disabled person’s rail card.	Tel: 0845 123 1295  	Fax: 0845 123 1296
Minicom / Text phone: 0845 123 1297
email: or visit

The DfES is finding that not all students with special educational needs in mainstream secondary schools are making the educational gains expected. Three booklets have been produced designed to maximise the attainment of such pupils. Order from Prolog, email or download from

A parent, David McConnell, has created DVDs to assist his six year old to speak more clearly. As the child reads as if watching the TV, his concentration is excellent! The newsletter of DSA affiliate, Downsyndrome extra 21, describes David’s creation and offers his daytime telephone number 01799 551001.
On the experience of your editor and others, your child could well begin to read and repeat these words from age three.

Rounded Rectangle: The Good Will Gallery provides a place for public and professionals to offer their skills and services to charities for free. Visit
Extra 21 - please click here to enter the site

Down Syndrome Extra 21 - providing support for and information on Down syndrome in the Greater London and Essex area. Please click here, or on our logo to enter the site.











Received gifts donated to charities from other organisations.

(NB there is a fee)







ThanQ has affiliations with companies that offer discounts for people who work or volunteer with charities


This site has got a beautiful PowerPoint for New Parents.

A Support Group For Children With Downs and Heart Conditions.

Click Here For Info

The International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association is designed to assist any family or individual whose life has been affected by mosaic Down syndrome, assist in research, and provide support without regard to race, sex or religion. IMDSA strives to increase awareness in the medical, educational, and public communities throughout the world.

IMDSA offers an online support and information group for families, individuals and professionals interested in mosaic Down syndrome. Other ways of support are provided through IMDSA's FAMILY CONNECT program where a large database of families are connected according to their geographical locations, age of child, and medical conditions. IMDSA offers a biennial MDS RESEARCH & AWARENESS CONFERENCE where families and professionals can come together and learn about MDS. Additionally, IMDSA members receive such benefits as IMDSA's information packet full of MDS information and inspirations, a quarterly newsletter MOSAIC WORLD full of best practices and up-to-date information regarding the care and well being of individuals with MDS, and entry to bi-monthly ASK THE EXPERT teleconferences where families throughout the world can speak one-on-one with leading  MDS experts.


The Downs Syndrome Federation of India is a well organised and develop institution that has been looking after children with downs syndrome .  The website contains some good PowerPoint Presentations and Video clips.

Down Syndrome Educational Trust/ Sarah Duffen Centre

The Down Syndrome Educational Trust (DownsEd) (formerly known as the Portsmouth Down Syndrome Trust) is based at the Sarah Duffen Centre in Portsmouth. This organisation provides professional educational activities and resources dedicated to improving the lives of people with Down syndrome. Has expertise on supporting children in mainstream schools, teaching reading to teach language, sleep disturbance, etc. etc. Web site which has a wealth of information.

The Sarah Duffen Centre
Belmont Street
Southsea PO5 1NA
Tel: +44 (0)23 9282 4261
Fax: +44 (0)23 9282 4265


The Karen Gaffney Foundation is a non profit organization that is dedicated to championing the journey to full inclusion in families, schools, communities and the workplace for people with Down syndrome or other developmental disabilities.













Sujeet Desai is a marvellous young man who is an inspiration to others. He is now a married  gentleman. Find out about his achievements and view his wedding pictures.

A Website of The United Arab Emirates of the Downs Syndrome Support Group. Beautiful Pictures

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Upsideofdowns takes no responsibility for the contents of linked websites and links should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. UpsideofDowns has no control over the availability of the linked pages.








Down's Syndrome Research Foundation Ltd

The DSRF UK has carried out a series of research project towards Downs syndrome over the past few years. It also publishes a booklet for new parents” Bright Beginnings”